Wait For Me

Posted on 7/10/2009 02:49:00 PM, under

“Wait for Me” uses one interview and mostly home video to weave a deeply moving narrative. For most of the piece, we know only that a mother is waiting for her son to come home. From where? Or perhaps more importantly, from what? There is great suspense, but nothing distracts from the mother’s voice, through which we connect to her hope, fear, sadness and love. The producer trusts the audience to take the journey and reveals the story slowly: tight opening shots eventually widen, the unseen mother finally appears on camera more than a minute in. The significance of the title is disclosed in the final scene. The music and the editing of the home footage blend seamlessly with the tone — the balmly wistulness of memory. It’s often said that opening and closing images are of utmost importance in storytelling. “Wait for Me” proves that point. (K.B.)

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