The New Leader of The Republican Party!

Posted on 3/03/2009 04:47:00 PM, under , , ,

Perfect! Just to make sure that you loose the last bit of respect as a competent party,
You keep trying to launch these idiots into the spotlight.
First Palin, then Joe the Plumber, Nice try with Jindal, doesn't look like thats going to work, but hey has anyone tried a 14 year old kid? In-spite not being old enough to form a comprehensive sentence or completely explain a thought, he sure does say some great things that he was told to say.
REALLY?? YOU GAVE A STANDING OVATION TO A 14 YEAR OLD KID??!@#$%? By the way, pretty sure hes gay... I don't give a flying fuck but you (conservatives) seem to!

Can someone tell me what the hell he's talking about?

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1 Reply to "The New Leader of The Republican Party!"

  • Freddy Carley on March 4, 2009 at 1:16 AM

    Home-schooled by the way....

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