Concrete Being Remixed With Environment in Mind

Posted on 3/31/2009 11:52:00 PM, under

Now the experimentation is more elaborate, designed to tailor the concrete to the need. Increasingly, that need includes the environment. Aesthetic considerations aside, concrete is environmentally ugly. The manufacturing of Portland cement is responsible for about 5 percent of human-caused emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.

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Earth Hour 2009

Posted on 3/30/2009 09:24:00 PM, under ,

Here is a great photo series of who took part in Earth Hour. Click on each photo to turn the lights off.

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Where The Wild Things Are Movie Trailer

Posted on 3/25/2009 12:58:00 PM, under

src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="598" height="288" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="width=598&height=288&file=" />

I simply can't wait. Watch in HD over at Apple

Due in theaters October 16. Get excited!

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Scenes from 30,000 Meters Above

Posted on 3/20/2009 06:29:00 PM, under

On February 28th, a team of four Spanish teenage students and their instructor from IES La Bisbal school in Catalonia launched a weather probe they designed and built themselves.

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Charles Manson at 74

Posted on 3/19/2009 11:24:00 AM, under

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Theme Song From 1962 Worlds Fair In Seattle

Posted on 3/19/2009 10:49:00 AM, under

There's a reason why you can't write music that appeals to everyone, unless you're the odd genius who can pen an "Mmm...Bop" or "Macarena." When you try, you wind up watering things down to the point where they're meaningless. That's one of two problems with this song. It says nothing about the fair itself, instead serving up a "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" great-date theme, minus the baseball love or love for much of anything. To their credit, the songwriters did slip the marvelous double-entendre, "If you're gonna kiss me, kiss me there" into the lyrics, a lone conceit to songwriting skill handcuffed by the need for that elusive mass appeal.

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SPiN New York

Posted on 3/19/2009 10:39:00 AM, under ,

Well this an idea I had kinda thought of a while ago, but without the memberships. It should just be a ping pong bar. SPiN is an exclusive members only ping pong club in Manhattan, and they are taking applications now. For the early application you will only have to pay $500 a year to play ping pong.

Membership benefits include:
1 complimentary hour of ping pong per month (wow for only $500 a year?)
overnight paddle storage and locker room

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Bush to Write Memoir

Posted on 3/18/2009 09:27:00 PM, under ,

"I want people to understand the environment in which I was making decisions. I want people to get a sense of how decisions were made and I want people to understand the options that were placed before me," Bush said during a brief telephone interview Wednesday with The Associated Press from his office in Dallas.
Bush's book, tentatively (not decisively) called "Decision Points," is scheduled for a 2010 release by Crown, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group. It is unusual in a couple of ways.

Article Here

I cant wait to read it!

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Headlines of the Obvious

Posted on 3/18/2009 09:17:00 PM, under

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Sheep-powered LED

Posted on 3/18/2009 09:15:00 PM, under

In one of the funnest examples of merging animals with technology yet, these herders took to the hills of Wales to create huge sheep-driven LED displays. Baaaad ass!

It's blatantly a commercial (for Samsung LEDs), but hey - if that's what it takes to get those crazy next-level herding abilities displayed, I'm all for it. The sheep reenact a game of Pong, fireworks, and line up to form a pretty dead on representation of the Mona Lisa.

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Third Pole Melting

Posted on 3/18/2009 09:04:00 PM, under

So now our third pole is melting. I didn't even know we had a third pole!

"Scientists and explorers have long called the Tibetan Plateau the “Third Pole” for its vast and massive glacial ice sheets that fill valleys and cling to the sprawling mountain ranges. Indeed, nowhere else on the planet outside of Greenland and Antarctica is there such a concentration of freshwater, stored as ice in the more than 45,000 glaciers that line the Himalayas.

Nearly 2 billion people in Asia rely…" Article Here

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Still The Coolest President Ever

Posted on 3/18/2009 08:50:00 PM, under ,

Obama still has time to fill out his NCAA Basketball bracket. I know him being cool is not that important but it still makes me feel good. I also hope he does give himself some time to watch basketball. Watch the full video of his picks here.

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Posted on 3/18/2009 08:45:00 PM, under

This is a charming little short movie. If you have the 12 minutes I would recommend it.

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Title says it all.

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Freak Family Photo

Posted on 3/17/2009 11:12:00 AM, under

Anyone know anything else about this photo? Click it to enlarge.

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Can We Wage War on Hurricanes?

Posted on 3/17/2009 11:03:00 AM, under ,

GOOD has a great article on the science behind stopping hurricanes before they reach us. I for one am very skeptical about tampering in any way with the earth's natural functions. I will agree that there are some pretty unique ideas here, that in reality may work.

Full Article Here.

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Amazing Mashup Music Video

Posted on 3/15/2009 02:05:00 PM, under ,

Some guy got a bunch of random YouTube clips of people playing instruments, editing them together into one unbelievable video. I don't know how long this must have taken, possibly months. It was created by KUTIMAN

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Baby Hoola Hooping

Posted on 3/15/2009 11:58:00 AM, under

Little JC tries to hula like his big sister. Personally, I think he does a much cuter job of it.

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Mass hysteria breaks out in central America

Posted on 3/11/2009 11:45:00 PM, under ,

An outbreak of mass hysteria is reported to have struck three indigenous communities living near the river Coco in northern Nicaragua. A total of 43 people have reportedly fallen ill with what is known locally as grisi siknis ("crazy sickness").

The world may soon be coming to and end. People are literally going crazy.

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You like Daft Punk?

Posted on 3/11/2009 11:32:00 PM, under

Well now you are Daft Punk, just play your keyboard.
This was more fun than I thought it would be, but it needs some beats. Play with it here.

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What does one TRILLION dollars look like?

Posted on 3/11/2009 09:27:00 PM, under , ,

Heres a hint: This picture is is showing $100 Million. Hit the link for the true answer.

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Giant Stingray

Posted on 3/11/2009 07:45:00 PM, under

In central Thailand an enormous freshwater stingray was captured, tagged and released during a National Geographic expedition.

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Dog Sledding

Posted on 3/10/2009 04:27:00 PM, under ,

Here is a great photo blog documenting the beginning of the Iditarod, which began Sat. the 7th and covers 1,161 miles, usually taking 8-12 day. Some really wonderful shots here.

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Can This Travel 11,000 Miles?

Posted on 3/09/2009 03:36:00 PM, under , ,

Currently 12,000 to 16,000 2-liter soda bottles are being collected to fill in the twin hulls of their Plastiki vessel. Each bottle with be pressurized using dry ice powder that will sublimate into carbon dioxide gas. If all goes as planned, the vessel will carry four crewmembers on a 11,000 mile journey starting this April from San Francisco to Sydney only to be broken down and recycled at the end of the trip. Apparently, only the masts of the ship are metal, leaving the remaining 90% as recycled material.

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Oyster Wave Energy Converter

Posted on 3/09/2009 02:48:00 PM, under , ,

Oyster® is a hydro-electric wave power converter, designed to capture the energy found in amplified surge forces in nearshore waves. Its relative simplicity makes it extremely reliable and fault-tolerant; and gives it a number of key advantages, all of which make it cost competitive.

1. Reliable and fault tolerant
2. Competitive Cost - economies of scale and low weight to power ratio
3. Low risk installation and accessible maintenance
4. Low ecological impact High Environmental Gains
5. Maximum Efficiency and Power Output"

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The Crazies are Wondering if Obama is The Antichrist

Posted on 3/09/2009 02:28:00 PM, under ,

"These mostly conservative Christians believe a great battle is imminent. After years of tribulation—natural disasters, other cataclysms (such as the collapse of financial markets)—God's armies will vanquish armies led by the Antichrist himself. He will be a sweet-talking world leader who gathers governments and economies under his command to further his own evil agenda. In this world view, "the spread of secular progressive ideas is a prelude to the enslavement of mankind," explains Richard Landes, former director of the Center for Millennial Studies at Boston University." (Whole Article Via Newsweek)

Oh heres a blog that has been compiling stuff like this for a while.

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Twisted-Wire Junk Sculptures From Zimbabwe

Posted on 3/08/2009 11:21:00 PM, under ,

From the It Takes a Village blog, an account of Zimbabwean artist Dexter Nyamainashe, whose twisted-wire junk-sculpture automata are fabulous, political and controversial:

"Dexter Nyamainashe of Chiweshe, Zimbabwe is aged 41 and six years ago he started combining various art pieces he made to create what he describes as a "Global Village of Peace". He uses scrap material to make little figures, minature homes and scenes which come alive when he rotates a piece of wire behind the art piece. The minatures move, they cook, they wash laundry, they play, they smoke a joint, they look for cattle etc... The animals fly, they run, they eat and they kill...
Dexter says he has had a difficult time promoting his art locally for the following reasons:

a) The local city council has called his art nonsense and refused to give him a license to operate. He has been chased away and even arrested for "illegal" vending.
b) Locals are spooked by his "Global Village". He says some people think it might be related to witchcraft so he has to explain to them by demonstrating how it works.
c) He used to work with the local art gallery but their commission was too high leaving him with very little.
d) He managed to gain the support of a local shop owner who tells the city council that Dexter is part of their own store display. This means he can display his work free of charge, avoid police harassment and avoid costly flea market charges."

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Roger Doiron lives on less than half an acre in Scarborough, a suburb of Portland, Maine, that’s known less for its farms than its big-box stores. Last year, his front-yard kitchen garden was not just a source of inspiration and an estimated $2,400 in vegetables for his family; it was also a symbol of self-sufficiency and a greener suburbia. Doiron has also been petitioning the new president to put a Victory Garden on the White House. “If we were to have a first family to take this on and lead by example, we would see a ripple effect across the country and across the world,” he told the Washington Post.

Now, the Obama Administration appears to be heeding calls from Doiron and other gardening activists. This summer, they’re planning to plant a vegetable garden on the White House’s South Lawn , one adviser told CBS’s Political Hotsheet.

The effort has also led to questions about the broader implications of a Presidential kitchen garden. Warren Belasco, a food historian and author of Appetite for Change, said the action would be more of a symbolic boost for affluent activists rather than the people in need of healthy and inexpensive food, who were unlikely to have the time or space to benefit from the model garden on the White House lawn.

“Considering how far the community and organic gardening movement has come in the forty years since People’s Park put it on the map, do we still need symbolic stunts? I don’t think so,” he wrote. “Dig your own potatoes, people!”

Belasco and others have pointed to the efforts to reshape the USDA, such as its “People’s Garden,” a community garden project on the National Mall, especially given the agency’s resistance to such projects in the past. Now, if only Obama were to do something really radical in Washington D.C., it would be to reinstate the Center Market, the public market demolished to make way for the National Archives building, or to resume cattle grazing on the Ellipse.

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Hole in the Wall

Posted on 3/08/2009 11:13:00 PM, under ,

Public art in Liverpool by Richard Wilson

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Fun To Drive

Posted on 3/07/2009 06:30:00 PM, under

I think I need one of these.

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Fart Molecule Could be Next Viagra

Posted on 3/07/2009 02:49:00 PM, under

THE stink of flatulence and rotten eggs could provide a surprising lift for men. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) causes erections in rats and may one day provide an alternative to Viagra for men.

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Cornstarch on a Speaker

Posted on 3/07/2009 02:26:00 PM, under

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Literal Penny Lane

Posted on 3/07/2009 01:01:00 AM, under ,

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The Famous 'Afgahan Girl' after 17 year

Posted on 3/07/2009 12:58:00 AM, under

This is somewhat of an old article now, but I had never see it. Its a great read about one of the more memorable faces I have ever seen.

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Miley gets snubbed by Radiohead.

I guess Radiohead will never clich the 12-to-16-overprivelidged-white-girl demographic now...

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Flashing Lights Version 2

Posted on 3/05/2009 12:04:00 AM, under , , ,

I don't know why Kanye West is trying to snub this video, it is the best music video I have seen of late and he threw it out for a really bad other video. When I watch this I see a work of art, every picture is awesome by itself, the other video is crap. Its weird because this Video is One of the best videos I have ever seen and the other one is one of the worst videos I have ever seen.

I'm not posting the other one, if you want to watch it its all over youtube, but this one is not on youtube.

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3D panoramic photographs of Paris

Posted on 3/04/2009 02:04:00 AM, under ,

Possibly the coolest photography effect I have seen in a while. More photos in this gallery.

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Locus Magazine just posted this article about how the internet will not be able to replace what a publisher does for an author.

"Hardly a day goes by that I don't get an e-mail from someone who's ready to reinvent publishing using the Internet, and the ideas are often good ones, but they lack a key element: a sales force. That is, a small army of motivated, personable, committed salespeople who are on a first-name basis with every single bookstore owner/buyer in the country, people who lay down a lot of shoe-leather as they slog from one shop to the next, clutching a case filled with advance reader copies, cover-flats, and catalogs. When I worked in bookstores, we had exceptional local reps, like Eric, the Bantam guy who knew that I was exactly the right clerk to give an advance copy of Snow Crash to if he wanted to ensure a big order and lots of hand-selling when the book came in (He also made sure that I got ARCs of every Kathe Koja and Ian McDonald novel — Eric, if you're reading this, thanks!).
This matters. This is the kind of longitudinal, deep, expensive expertise that gets books onto shelves, into the minds of the clerks, onto the recommended tables at the front of the store. It's labor-intensive and highly specialized, and without it, your book's sales only come from people who've already heard of it (through word of mouth, advertising, a review, etc.) and who are either motivated enough to order it direct, or lucky enough to chance on a copy on a shelf at a store that ordered it based on reputation or sales literature alone, without any hand-holding or cajoling"

Full article: In Praise of the Sales Force.

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Horse Training Vehicle

Posted on 3/04/2009 01:33:00 AM, under ,

It might look look just a big can, but this is a piece of high-tech machinery able to monitor racing animals at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. The nameless vehicle has some kind of enclosure in front of it, resembling a horse starting stall, in which animals can walk and gallop while being monitored by veterinarians and racing experts. It has a centered seat for the driver and two more for a racing specialist and a veterinary expert. Onboard technologies include heart, oxygen, breathing and fitness monitoring to make sure they are in top shape for official races.

I never would have thought that something like this would exist. (More Photos Here)

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Posted on 3/04/2009 01:19:00 AM, under

Shopping list:

Nut Sacks
Peanut Butter


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Chris Matthews accidentally tells us what he thinks.

Posted on 3/03/2009 05:04:00 PM, under

You had to be listening close to hear it but you go Chris Matthews!

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The New Leader of The Republican Party!

Posted on 3/03/2009 04:47:00 PM, under , , ,

Perfect! Just to make sure that you loose the last bit of respect as a competent party,
You keep trying to launch these idiots into the spotlight.
First Palin, then Joe the Plumber, Nice try with Jindal, doesn't look like thats going to work, but hey has anyone tried a 14 year old kid? In-spite not being old enough to form a comprehensive sentence or completely explain a thought, he sure does say some great things that he was told to say.
REALLY?? YOU GAVE A STANDING OVATION TO A 14 YEAR OLD KID??!@#$%? By the way, pretty sure hes gay... I don't give a flying fuck but you (conservatives) seem to!

Can someone tell me what the hell he's talking about?

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Wolverine is waiting...

Posted on 3/03/2009 04:22:00 PM, under

This is almost too easy to see. There is no way to look at that without seeing it immediately. I think this could have been purposeful.

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Sleeping Dog Runs Into A Wall

Posted on 3/02/2009 06:40:00 PM, under

Sleeping Dog Runs Into Wall - Watch more Funny Videos

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Bad Paintings of Barack Obama

Posted on 3/02/2009 06:20:00 PM, under ,

Here is a cool site full of paintings of Obama. I actually really like some of them.

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2009 Sasquatch Music Festival

Posted on 3/02/2009 04:26:00 PM, under

Are you going?

Here are few of the headliners:
Kings of Leon
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
The Decemberists
Animal Collective
Jane's Addiction
Nine Inch Nails
TV On The Radio
The Avett Brothers
Ben Harper and Relentless7
Erykah Badu
Silversun Pickups
Fleet Foxes
Girl Talk

Man I want to go for the whole weekend. Check out the full lineup and more at

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Re-creation of Hudson River Landing

Posted on 3/02/2009 04:11:00 PM, under ,

Remember that plane that landed in the hudson river? Well here is a digital recreation of the landing with the real recording of the conversation between the pilot and ground control. Check the link here for some more info on the video.

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Microsoft FUTURE VIDEO???

Posted on 3/02/2009 02:37:00 PM, under , , , ,


<a href="" target="_new" title="Future Vision Montage">Video: Future Vision Montage</a>

How can you make a video like this when you know you wont be the one to actually create it. It is like saying check out how our competitors are going to kick our ass in the future! While we are working on the 4th version of Windows, our competitors are going to be going beyond the call of duty to give you the most amazing shit you have EVER seen. Check this shit out that Apple made!!!

Then there is the other possibility, that they already have all this stuff and are not releasing it because they want to milk every last cent from us, instead of letting technology advance in real time, lets slow it down, "Nice job inventing that zero emission car that folds up tight to fit it in your pocket, lets schedule to release that exactly one year from the day we release the suitcase car. By then everyone will be tired of having to figure out where to store that clunky suitcase car."

Is this supposed to be an ad campaign? Sorry we have been making crap, heres some cool stuff though.

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Big Surprise! ... Idiots

Posted on 3/02/2009 02:24:00 PM, under , , ,

It is too bad that my dream of seeing insurance companies choke on their own vomit ends up being bad for our economy too. Its not just oil we are addicted to, its false securities...

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Posted on 3/02/2009 02:21:00 PM, under , ,


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This Is Going To Be Epic

Posted on 3/02/2009 10:26:00 AM, under

Does anyone know anything more about this photo? Did it work?!

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Posted on 3/02/2009 03:57:00 AM, under


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Ryanair's coin-op emergency masks and slides

Posted on 3/02/2009 12:00:00 AM, under , ,

We posted an article yesterday about the plan for Ryanair to begin charging customers to use the toilets during flights. I just came across this brilliant joking safety card that goes one step further. Click the image for a larger view.

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Posted on 3/01/2009 09:03:00 PM, under ,

If you like playing fun online games, this is my favorite site, the games are so addicting though...

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Some Impressive See-Saw Tricks

Posted on 3/01/2009 08:50:00 PM, under

Who thought a see-saw could be so much fun!

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Beam Me Up

Posted on 3/01/2009 08:28:00 PM, under , ,

Check out this incredibly clever art form, using a helicopter with colored lights mounted all over it. View the flikr album for more shots.

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Georgia on my Mind

Posted on 3/01/2009 08:18:00 PM, under

Some classic young Ray Charles.

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Bein' Green

Posted on 3/01/2009 08:11:00 PM, under

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Being Pink

Posted on 3/01/2009 08:01:00 PM, under

Its not Easy being Pink either....

But it is a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake...

One of my friends came up with some alternative lyrics to this song that I laughed about for a while

"If you're with a kitten on a boat, make sure you brought some daisies..."

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Being Green

Posted on 3/01/2009 07:57:00 PM, under

Have you ever wondered what its like to be green? Well this is what its like...

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Longboarding in Claremont

Posted on 3/01/2009 05:12:00 PM, under

Adam Kimmel presents: Claremont HD from adam kimmel on Vimeo.

By far the coolest long-boarding I have ever seen. Hit the link to watch in HD, its worth it.

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Slow Motion Punches to The Face

Posted on 3/01/2009 05:09:00 PM, under

Slow Motion Punches to The Face from Eduardo Wydler on Vimeo.

Title says it all. I saw this video a while ago, but wanted to share it if you have not seen it. I love the anticipation.

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New MIT Solar Race Car

Posted on 3/01/2009 04:13:00 PM, under ,

This may look like some kind of flying saucer, but in fact it is the latest creation from those geniuses over at MIT. The car can reach 90 mph and is packed with technology that may soon find its way into mainstream hybrids soon. This new tech of course come at a price, with a price tag of $243,000. The new car will compete in the annual World Solar Challenge, a 2,000 mile seen-day race across Australia. Without able sunlight, the car can make it from Boston to New York City on a single charge, averaging 55 mph. Check out more photos and article over at Wired.

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Brain Hervest

Posted on 3/01/2009 03:04:00 PM, under ,

Brain Harvest is a new site dedicated to our new 21st century attention spans. The site will feature short written pieces of 750 words or less for you to read whenever you please. Designed to be read on mobile devices, like an iPhone, so you can read a short story while waiting in line at McDonald's. Keep reading for the 'About' section from their website.

"Brain Harvest: An Almanac of Bad-Ass Speculative Fiction is the creation of a brooding Minnesotan neuroscientist, a zombie-obsessed sexpert, and the ex-burlesque dancing Jewish mother you never knew you wanted. We all write and read speculative fiction, and we share a dream: to deliver whiz-bang spec fic you can swallow in a mouthful, but that outlives all of us. Brain Harvest will publish electronically and can be read right here, or dispatched to your iPhone, Blackberry, or whatever other mobile device–and maybe, one day, straight into your brain."

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The Story of Stuff

Posted on 3/01/2009 02:00:00 PM, under

This is a great little video and website all about the extraction, production, sale, use and disposal of all our stuff. The current 'materials economy' is based on a linear model, but there are no systems on this planet that can sustain in a linear way. Check out The Story of Stuff website for more on this topic and some higher quality video.

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This Is Why You're Fat

Posted on 3/01/2009 01:43:00 PM, under

Check out this fairly new blog all about the most ridiculous food we have created. This is a giant burger between two large meat pizzas, eggs, bacon, colby and pepper jack cheese. Sounds delicious to me. Check out more on the This is Why You're blog.

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$81 Billion For a Tank of Gas?

Posted on 3/01/2009 12:41:00 AM, under ,

On Tuesday he stopped at a Conoco station, fueled up and paid for $90 dollars worth of gas. At least he thought he paid for $90 of gas until he got a phone call. "A pre-authorization at an automated gas station dispenser was approved at $81,400,836,908," the automated recording said. "I broke it down and its like $550 Million a gallon.." Read more here.

I love his sense of humor about the whole thing. (sorry if you have to watch a brief ad before the video)

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Rush Limbaugh Still Looking For Obama to Fail

Posted on 3/01/2009 12:22:00 AM, under , ,

Rush Limbaugh is still out of touch with reality, along with everyone else in the audience at the CPAC conference. Check out the short article with portions of the transcipt over at The Huffington Post. Its hard to believe that anyone could still want Obama to fail. We need to help him fix this country, this is bigger than the Super Bowl Mr. Limbaugh.

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